Badgers (Year 4/5)

Hello and a warm welcome from Mrs Walsh and Mrs Pinkney
Badgers class teachers are Mrs Pinkney (Mondays and Tuesdays) and Mrs Walsh (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). Mrs Cook and Mrs Oke are our Teaching Assistants. 

Topics we will be covering this year

  • Term 1 & 2 – Earth in Space
  • Term 3  - Somewhere to Settle (Celtic Britain)
  • Term 4: Italy and the Romans 
  • Term 5: Anglo-Saxons 
  • Term 6: The Vikings


Homework is given out at the beginning of each term, which allows plenty of time to complete the tasks.  Children’s work / creations will be shared and celebrated on Class Dojo. 
Spellings will be given out on Mondays and tested on Mondays. We won’t start this straight away. 
The children will also be given a termly list of Y3/4 or 5/6 words to learn. We will learn this in school as well but your help at home would be really valuable. 
Children will also be expected to continue to learn their times tables.  Please use TT Rockstars at home regularly to improve speed of recall. Year 4 will complete a statutory times table assessment in the summer term. 
Completed homework will be shared and celebrated with parents in the classroom at the end of each term. Homework can be accessed on the Class updates page.


All the children have a school reading book and reading log in their pack to take home. Please try to read with your child regularly even if your child is a fluent reader and support him/her by asking questions to deepen their understanding of the texts. Please make comments about their reading in their journals to show they have been reading regularly at home – if possible about 4 times per week. This will help them complete their reading rainbow with a reward from Mr Neal for each colour completed.


  • Spellings will be given out on Mondays and tested on Mondays. We will be starting this in Week 3. 
  • The children will also be given a termly list of Y3/4 or 5/6 words to learn. We will learn this in school as well but your help at home would be really valuable. 


Look out for your child’s Times Table book and please encourage your children to play on TTRS. 

What will you need in Badgers class

PE Days

Badgers class has PE on Mondays/Tuesdays (depending on availability of the playground- sometimes we have to switch days so please ensure PE kits are in school every day) and Wednesdays.
Please can the children bring in a named PE bag and named items of kit at the start of the term.  These will be taken home at the end of each term to wash.  If you prefer to do this more regularly, or they have a sports club, please ensure the kit is back in school ready for PE days.
Please can you ensure that on PE days the children do not wear earrings unless they can remove them by themselves (or use tape to cover them) and that they have their hair tied up or bring a hair band to school. 
We politely request that children do not bring pencil cases into school. The children will be provided with everything they need. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this.
We look forward to working with you to get the best from your child over the course of the year.

Mrs Walsh and Mrs Pinkney

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Badgers Class

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