Tigers (Year 5/6)

Welcome to team 'Big Cats' - Tigers and Jaguars.

This year we will be studying:

World War 2

Crime and Punishment

The Benin Kingdom

North America

Our locality - the what, the why and the when.


Tigers and Jaguars adults

Jaguars - Mrs L Oakley

Tigers - Ms K Powell

TAs - Mrs N Tufnell. Miss C Kent . Mrs C Adair




Daily routine

Children can be dropped off/arrive at 8:20, no earlier. If you need to speak to us, you may send a Dojo message or, for more urgent matters, phone the school office.

The children will be dismissed from the classroom at 3:30. Please make sure they know the arrangement for walking home or meeting an adult. They must come back to the classroom should you not be there to meet them, unless walking home alone.

P.E kits should be in school every day. This should include:

· Plain round neck t-shirt in their house colour

· Black or Maroon shorts

· Black or Maroon Jogging bottoms and sweatshirt

· Trainers for outdoor P.E (no plimsolls/daps needed)

· Hat and gloves for colder weather/Sunhat in the summer

This should all be labelled and in a named P.E bag.

PE days are:

Tigers - Monday and Wednesday

Jaguars - Wednesday and Thursday

Snacks, drinks and lunches.

Children are encouraged to have a water bottle and to be responsible for this themselves. It must be a small bottle if they wish to have it on their table.

At break time, the children may have a snack of fruit or vegetables or a plain biscuit/cereal bar.

We are a nut free school. The children must not have nuts or nut products including Nutella in school for lunch or snacks.

Home learning and Reading

Spellings: The children will learn and practise their spellings in school, they will not have a weekly test but daily opportunities to practise and revisit. You will receive a spelling menu of the term's spellings so they can be practised at home.

Reading: We expect the children to be reading to an adult (or an adult discussing their book with them if they are confident, independent readers) at least 4 times a week and for this to be recorded in their reading log. As well as this, where possible, we encourage the children to listen to stories that are beyond their reading capability. This can be shared reading with an adult or audio books. This experience has a huge impact on the children's comprehension and language use. It also fosters a love of reading as it is a pleasurable experience. The children can record their reading activities themselves.

Times tables - Though they have completed the times tables check, we still expect them to be consolidating and practising their tables to 12X12 as they are vital going forward. They will have a TTRS login and there will be a mixed times tables check every Friday with house points earned for effort.

Pick and mix home learning: Each term the children will be given a pick and mix of activities. They will be expected to complete at least one to present at the end of term. This should be of high quality, reflecting the effort put in. Please ask if any paper resources are needed.

Year 6s will also receive weekly grammar and maths homework. It will be relevant, quick and achievable. Please speak with us if they are struggling but encourage them to be responsible for completing it and returning it on the correct day - instructions to follow in September.

For any extra practise wanted see Oak national academy, BBC bitesize or CGP study books.

Tigers & Jaguars Documents

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