Hello and a warm welcome to Hedgehogs class!

Hedgehogs class is a mixed Year 2 and Year 3 class at Haydon Wick, which will be taught by Mrs Phillips. The children will also be supported by the teaching assistants: Mrs Dolisznyi (Monday and Tuesday mornings), Mrs Cook (Wednesday to Friday mornings) and Mrs Clarke in the afternoons.

May we now take this opportunity to say hello and give you some useful information.

Topics we will be covering this year:

Term 1 - What a Wonderful World

Term 2 - Near and Far

Term 3 - Rebel Girls

Term 4 - Superheroes

Term 5 - Incredible India

Term 6 - Awesome Authors in Time

Home Learning and Reading

Spellings: Each week, the children will be sent home spellings on a Wednesday and then tested on the following Wednesday. We ask that your child practises the spellings three times in their books and then any other practise down on other paper. The spellings will begin focussing on sounds we have learnt in phonics and then we will move onto the Year 2 or 3 common exception words.

Reading: We love reading and we spend time sharing a range of books in the class. We cannot stress how important reading with your child is. We expect the children to be reading to an adult at least 4 times a week and for this to be recorded in their reading log. As well as this, where possible, we encourage the children to listen to stories that are beyond their reading capability. This can be shared reading with an adult or audio books. This experience has a huge impact on the children's comprehension and language use. It also fosters a love of reading as it is a pleasurable experience.

Homework: Every term, the children will be given a 'Pick and Mix' homework, which will be related to our current topic. The children should choose at least one activity as well as completing their reading, times tables and spelling. The children may produce the home learning in any way they wish and spend as much time on it as they wish. Once the homework is set, we will let you know the date it needs to be handed in. You have lots of time for this, so spread the tasks out, be creative and have fun! You can post photos/videos of the work on our Class Dojo page and we will celebrate the work in school, inviting parents in to view all the hard work at the end of term.

What will you need in Hedgehogs class?

PE Days

Our Pe days are Monday (outside) and Thursday (inside) afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings in their PE kit, and has the right clothing, depending on the weather. PE kits should include the following items: shorts, PE t- shirt, trainers and jogging bottoms in colder weather.


Water and Snack

Children NEED to bring in a water bottle, with a 'sports' top, so they can keep hydrated throughout the day. It should come in every morning with fresh water (sorry, no juice) to be kept in a tray in the classroom. This way, the children can access their drink without having to leave the room and miss any learning time.

At morning break, Year 2 children have a snack of fruit or vegetable as provided by the government.

Year 3 children may bring in a healthy snack to eat at break time.


Key Dates and Information

Please keep an eye on the Class Dojo page and letters coming home in your child's school bag for important messages and key dates.

Please feel free to pop in and see us - we are always available to talk if you have any queries. We are also happy to receive messages via Class Dojo or via email, if you have any issues.

We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning with your children. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask.

Mrs Phillips, Mrs Dolisznyi, Mrs Cook and Mrs Clarke.

Knowledge Organisers and Homework

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