Family Support Worker
At Haydon Wick Primary School, we do our best to ensure all children are happy, settled, secure, and fulfilling their potential. However, some children require additional emotional support in order to fully access their learning. They may be experiencing difficulties within the family or with friends, have a medical condition that impacts on their daily life, or suffer anxiety in new or changing situations.
Our inclusion worker, Claire, works closely with parents, carers, and teachers to identify these children and organise time and activities to provide the support necessary to overcome these hurdles.
In addition, Claire provides support to parents and carers who are themselves experiencing difficult situations and is able to signpost access to support services. She monitors the attendance of pupils and meets regularly with the education welfare officer (EWO) to discuss any concerns.
I am here to help with any concerns or questions you may have about your child or family life in general.
Claire Kent
Inclusion Worker (DDSL)
Arrange a Meeting
You can contact Claire on 07860 929201, [email protected] or via the school office (01793 706606). She offers:
- A listening ear
- Impartial advice
- Support at school meetings
- Behaviour management strategies
- Support with transitions between schools
- Referrals to other agencies
- Help with completing forms and documents
- Support with claiming benefits