Religious education is provided for all children as part of the curriculum and in accordance with the local authority’s agreed religious education syllabus.

Assembly is an important part of the school day, during which we meet together as a community. It is a time when we place emphasis on the development of values and attitudes towards each other and the world around us. Assemblies are non-denominational, and although they are of a broadly Christian nature, due consideration is given to the multicultural society in which we live.

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*In accordance with the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 section 71, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of RE and acts of collective worship on religious grounds. Parents should make their wishes known to the Headteacher who will ensure that any pupils who are withdrawn are appropriately supervised while the act of collective worship / RE lesson takes place. Pupils can be withdrawn wholly or partly from acts of collective worship only by parents.