
Haydon Wick Primary School ensures the learning children experience in school incorporates the national curriculum and government initiatives. To find out more about the national curriculum, follow the link below.


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We are an over-subscribed and popular primary school. Geographically, we are located on the edge of a large urban area but celebrate and promote our village school ethos and roots. We are a school that values the individual and individuality. A school where every child is given the opportunity to succeed.

At Haydon Wick, we believe in enabling every child to become the very best of themselves. Our curriculum is designed to allow children to work hard, remember more, and make a positive difference to themselves and others.

We have a book rich curriculum. As a result, our children are immersed in their learning and passionate about literature and reading. We recognise that reading is the gateway to our curriculum and strive to ensure that each child leaves Haydon Wick as confident, independent lifelong readers. Our curriculum is rich with experiential learning opportunities, it enables us to provide many themed days, educational visits, and visitors that really bring our subjects to life. We celebrate our curriculum by inviting parents into school to share in their children's learning.

Our Golden Threads

Curriculum Intent

Our Curriculum has four golden threads which are woven through all we do.

Knowledge and Skills intent:

Our intention is to develop lifelong learners who have the skills, knowledge, and curiosity needed to take full advantage of every opportunity in life.

Values intent:

Our intention is that all children recognise and maintain a shared set of values, which will allow them to make a positive difference to themselves and others in a rapidly changing, modern world.

Language intent:

Our intention is that all children will acquire the language to allow them to express their thoughts, ideas, and learning in a clear and coherent manner.

Inclusivity intent:

Our intention is that no child is left behind. Every child, regardless of background, social, emotional, or educational need will achieve well and fulfil their potential.

Diverse Learning And Dyslexia Friendly School Award

Haydon Wick is committed to supporting all children whatever their needs. As part of our commitment to recognising our diverse learners and supporting an inclusive ethos, we are working towards achieving Swindon Dyslexia Friendly Schools Award. Haydon Wick is continually striving to maintain and improve Dyslexia Friendly practice. As a school, we believe that a Dyslexia Friendly environment will benefit the learning of all pupils.

As part of our Dyslexia Friendly practice when marking work, teachers and staff are mindful of managing the needs and self-esteem of children with Dyslexia or anyone with Dyslexic tendencies or literacy difficulties. Where appropriate, staff will give verbal feedback as well as written feedback, celebrating effort and creativity. Teachers will exercise sensitivity in their marking, particularly in spelling and punctuation. They may only make a limited number of corrections on a piece of work to avoid generating a feeling of failure.

Consistent Dyslexia Friendly practice will ensure all children are given the opportunity to succeed despite any learning difficulties or challenges.

Key Stages 1 & 2

The core curriculum at key stages 1 and 2 comprises:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science

Children also study the subjects below, called foundation subjects, as part of the national curriculum:

  • Computing
  • Art and design
  • Design technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Physical education

In Key Stage 2, pupils are taught French as well as personal, social, health, citizenship, education, and British values.