School Trips

From time to time, children will be taken on educational visits outside of school in connection with their class work. It is often necessary to ask for a voluntary donation to cover the costs of the trip, such as transport. Parents who find these costs difficult to meet are asked to discuss the matter, in confidence, with the principal. Older children will also have the opportunity to take part in school educational residential visits, provided staffing and costs allow. These residential visits usually take place during term 5.

All children, irrespective of whether their parents have made a contribution or not, will go on school visits. However, school trips must be fully funded before they can go ahead.

On visits outside the Swindon area, we only use coaches fitted with seatbelts.

Visitors and Performers Coming into School

At times, we have visitors in school that share interests, activities, or experiences with the children. On occasion, this will be a travelling theatre or experts who lead workshops on topics related to the work children are doing in school.

Questions about School Trips?

If you’d like to know more about the school trips we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.