To end term 5 with a bang, we decided to host an Art Week at Haydon Wick Primary School.
During Art Week, we provided our pupils with a wide variety of activities that allowed them to express themselves freely and let their creativity run wild.
Firstly, our pupils learned about Jen Stark, a renowned New York-based designer who combines both 2D and 3D elements to create her outstanding designs. The children then collaborated together to create some amazing art inspired by Jen Stark's work. It was interesting to see how each child interpreted Jen Stark's art differently, resulting in a wide variety of styles in the children's drawings.
The children were also able to explore abstract art and its multiple forms. This allowed them to create a variety of different illustrations, sculptures, and prints. Having access to create whatever they wanted allowed everyone to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of abstract art.
There was also a competition held on Class Dojo, where we challenged our families to produce a piece of art inspired by Charles McGee. After all entries have been collected and judged, a winner will be selected from EYFS, KS1, and KS2 on the 9th June. Thank you to all who entered; every single painting was fantastic in its own right.
We also had a whole school project where the children were tasked with creating a melted rainbow on A4 paper. The rainbow could be created in a multitude of ways. For example, some pupils painted theirs in monochrome, while others preferred to create theirs using a wide variety of styles.
It was wonderful seeing all of the extraordinary rainbows that were produced. Our year 5 and 6 pupils even got the opportunity to design their rainbows on wooden circles and squares. Once the rainbow boards were completed they were placed on display in our main hall.
Finally, on Friday, 26th May, we welcomed parents and carers into Haydon Wick Primary School to experience the Haydon Wick Art Gallery. We put all of our pupils' amazing art pieces on display for all to see.There were a lot of impressed and proud visitors. It was the perfect way to end a very fun week.
We hope the children have thoroughly enjoyed all of their crafting activities over the last week, and that everyone has a fantastic half term!