Honeybees (Reception/Year 1)

Hello and a warm welcome to Honeybees class from Mrs Bundhoo and Mrs Hanna!

Honeybees class is the Year One/Reception class at Haydon Wick, which will be taught by Mrs Bundhoo and Mrs Hana. The children will also be supported by the class teaching assistant, Miiss Bell and Miss Barratt.

Topics we will be covering this year:

Term 1 - Home

Term 2 - Celebrations

Term 3 - Belonging

Term 4 - Curiosity

Term 5 - Courage

Term 6 - Responsibility

Honeybees Topics

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Morning Routine

Children are welcome to come into the classroom as soon as the cloakroom door is opened by a member of staff after 8.20am. Please say goodbye in the playground and allow the children to come into the cloakroom and the classroom independently. We will support them.

If you arrive after 8.30am, the door will be locked so please take your child to the school office where they can be signed in.

Home time Routine

We will stand with the children at the classroom door and let them go when we see you in the playground (please give us a wave when your child is at the front). If your child is going to an after-school club or is being collected by someone other than yourself, then please let us know or give the school office a call.

Home Learning

Please, please read with your child daily. We will change the children's books once a week. Re-reading a book is an important part of reading development. We also ask that you support them daily, with their phonics sounds and their tricky words.
Regular adult support at home makes a huge difference to their reading success!

What will you need in Honeybees Class?

Book bag

Please ensure book bags are in school every day, with reading record/reading book inside. Please check them daily for letters/notes/children's drawings etc.

School Uniform/PE

Please make sure ALL items of clothing are clearly labelled, including PE kit. PE kit should be in school at all times and should include a coloured t-shirt, shorts and daps/trainers (jogging bottoms for cold weather). During hot weather, please ensure they have a sun hat/cap.


Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. It must be water only; we cannot have squash/juice in the classroom. They will be given a cup of water with hot school meals. The children are also offered a cup of milk every day.

Wellington Boots

For wet weather activities and welly walks, we ask that your child brings in a pair of wellies that are labelled. These will be kept in our cloakroom.

Key Dates and Information

Please keep an eye on the Class Dojo page and letters coming home in your child's book bag for important messages and key dates.

Please feel free to pop in and see us - we are always available to talk if you have any queries. If there's anything that could affect your child's day and you feel we need to be aware of then please let us know in the morning, and if you wish this can then be discussed in more detail after school.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Bundhoo and Mrs Hanna