Welcome to Jaguars Class!

I (Miss Neal) am the class teacher. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Tufnell who is in Tuesday-Thursday. May I now take this opportunity to say hello and give you some useful information. We have lots of fun and exciting things planned for the coming year.

Our topics will be:

  • Term 1: Super South America
  • Term 2: The Maya
  • Term 3: Across the world
  • Term 4: Crime and Punishment
  • Term 5: Natural Disasters
  • Term 6: The Victorians

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PE Is on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit in a named bag. Bags can be left on pegs all term. PE kits should all be named and include: shorts, PE shirt, daps OR trainers and jogging bottoms in colder weather. We do go out on a Thursday whatever the weather so as we get colder weather please do remember long trousers.


Pick and Mix - We will provide you with 7 different ‘pick and mix’ tasks to complete across the term. These are varied and cover a range of subjects and we encourage your child to complete 2/3 of these tasks. You may produce your home learning in any way you wish and spend as much time on it as you wish. You have lots of time for this, so spread the tasks out, be creative and have fun! You can post photos/ videos of the work on our Class Dojo page, and we will celebrate the work in school, inviting parents in to view all the hard work at the end of term. I cannot wait to see your creations!

Each week your child will be sent home spellings on a Friday which will be tested towards the end of the following week. The spellings will mostly be from the Year 5/6 common exception words list. We ask that your child practises the spellings three times in their books and then any other practise down on other paper. Rewards will be awarded to children who regularly get 100% and/or try their best!

Times tables - Though they have completed the times tables check, we still expect them to be consolidating and practising their tables to 12X12 as they are vital going forward. They will have a TTRS login and there will be a mixed times tables check with house points earned for effort.

We love reading in Year 5/6 and we spend time sharing a range of books to the class. We cannot stress how important reading with your child is. Please ensure your child reads to you regularly in the week and that you read to them as well. We plan to have lots of reading incentives in our class which will hopefully continue to ignite the children's reading.

Year 6 children may also be sent home with grammar and maths homework, in order to keep those SATs skills growing, even at home. It will be relevant, quick and achievable. Please speak with us if they are struggling but encourage them to be responsible for completing it and returning it on the correct day. More guidance on this will follow when we begin sending this home.

Water Bottles and Snacks

Children NEED to bring in a water bottle with a ‘sport’ style lid so they can keep hydrated throughout the day. It should come in every morning with fresh water (sorry no juice) to be kept in the classroom. At break time, the children may have a snack of fruit or vegetables or a plain biscuit/cereal bar. As we are a nut free school, the children must not have nuts or nut products, including Nutella in school for lunch or snacks.

Come and see me!

We do have an open-door policy and always welcome parents in to school if you have any worries or concerns. Mornings are quite busy so after school is better. However, we are also happy to receive messages via Class Dojo or via email if you have any issues. Once again welcome to everyone and if you have any queries feel free to ask.

Best wishes,

Miss Neal

Jaguar Class