Hello and a warm welcome from Miss Powell.

Topics we will be covering this year:

  • Term 1 and 2 – Extreme Explorers/Stone Age
  • Term 3 and 4 –Humans and animals/ Ancient Egypt
  • Term 5 and 6 – From coast to coast/Rainforests

Home Learning and Reading

Spellings: The children will learn and practise their spellings in school. Every Friday a spelling quiz will be added to your child’s Purple Mash account for them have a go at. They will eventually bring home a spelling practise book which will earn house points on return. A copy of the year 3/4 spelling list is in the centre of the reading log. 

Reading: As a school we expect the children to be reading to an adult (or an adult discussing their book with them if they are confident, independent readers) at least 4 times a week and for this to be recorded in their reading log. As well as this, where possible, we encourage the children to listen to stories that are beyond their reading capability. This can be shared reading with an adult or audio books. This experience has a huge impact on the children’s comprehension and language use. It also fosters a love of reading as it is a pleasurable experience. Please record all reading activities in the reading log.

Times tables: By the end of year four, children are expected to know their tables up to 12x12. This comes more easily for some than others but any practise at home would be greatly appreciated. They will have personalised weekly tables challenges and Times Tables Rock Stars logins.

Pick and mix home learning: Each term the children will be given a pick and mix of activities. They will be expected to complete at least one to present at the end of term.

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Daily Routine

Children can be dropped off outside the cloakroom area no earlier than 8:20. If you need to speak to me about an urgent matter, please do pop in but if it is a more complex issue, please make an appointment via the office.

The classroom door will be opened at 8:20 and the children have time to set themselves up for the day and start an early task.

The children will be dismissed from the classroom at 3:30 and can be collected from either end of the linkway. Please arrange with them where they are to meet you. I will encourage them to come back to the classroom should you not be there to meet them.

What will you need in Meerkats class?

P.E kits should be in school every day rather than worn in.

This should include:

  • Plain round neck t-shirt in their house colour
  • Black or Maroon shorts
  • Black or Maroon Jogging bottoms and sweatshirt
  • Trainers for outdoor P.E (no plimsolls/daps needed)
  • Hat and gloves for colder weather/Sunhat in the summer

This should all be labelled and in a named P.E bag.

Snacks and Drinks

Children are encouraged to have a water bottle and to be responsible for this themselves. It must be a small bottle if they wish to have it on their table.

At break time, the children may have a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) which you will now need to provide as they are no longer entitled to the free NHS veg scheme.

I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning with your children. I will be easing them in to KS2 over term one and slowly building the expectations.

Miss Powell