Welcome to Otter Class!
Hello from Miss Cresswell and Mrs Cook.
Miss Cresswell is the class teacher supported by the class TA Mrs Cook.
Topics we will be covering this year:
- Term 1 & 2 – Enough for everyone
- Term 3 & 4 – The ancient Greeks
- Term 5 & 6 – The Vikings
Term 4 Otter/Badgers documents
Your child will be given a ‘Pick and Mix’ homework each term which will be related to our current topic. They should choose at least one activity as well as completing their reading and times tables / spelling practice. If they have other ideas which are not on the sheet, we welcome their creativity and look forward to hearing/seeing these. Completed homework will be shared and celebrated in person or via Dojo at the end of each term.
All the children will have a school reading book and reading record to take home. Please try to read with your child regularly even if your child is a fluent reader and support him/her by asking questions to deepen their understanding of the texts. Please make comments about their reading in their journals to show they have been reading regularly at home – if possible about 4 times per week. We appreciate your support with helping your child develop their reading skills. They can also complete their reading rainbow with a reward from Mrs Gale for each colour completed.
There will be spellings to learn most weeks which will usually be sent out on a Monday inside their spelling books. The words to learn will be glued in the front of the book. These spellings will usually focus on spelling patterns and rules. Please try to ensure your child has their spelling book in school on Mondays. In addition to the weekly spelling (approximately 5 per week), your child will be assessed and given a highlighted copy of the ‘Statutory Spelling’ list which is a set of words which all children should know by the end of their year. Please work through the list with your child throughout the year. We will re-test at regular intervals and send home an updated copy of the highlighted sheet to show which spellings your child knows. Please keep re-visiting these to ensure they don’t forget them.
What will you need in Otter class?
PE Days
Our PE days are usually Tuesdays and Thursdays– please ensure your child brings in their P.E. kit on this day. We will also do the ‘Golden Mile’ during the week so please ensure your child has a spare pair of daps or trainers in school. Please make sure all clothes and PE kits are named clearly. For safety, children do need to remove their earrings for PE. If your child cannot remove them by themselves please provide tape to cover them with. Many thanks.
We politely request that children do not bring pencil cases into school. The children will be provided with everything they need and we simply don’t have space for them on the tables. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this.
We look forward to working with you to get the best from your child over the course of the year.
Miss Cresswell.